Are you an aspiring songwriter looking to take your songs to the next level?

Whether you’ve written 0 songs or 100, I can help you reach your songwriting goals through

private or group songwriter lessons

calling all songwriters text

Do you…

Struggle to finish songs? Struggle to start them?

Find yourself stuck in writer’s block and don’t know how to continue?

Dream of becoming a professional songwriter but don’t know how to make it a career?

Want a mentor to guide you through the songwriting process?

in lessons you’ll learn…

  • lyrics


    learn how to craft engaging lyrics that tell a story

  • Songwriting classes private los angeles


    learn how to create ear-catching melodies

  • harmony


    learn how to use harmony to support your lyrics

  • arrangement


    learn how to turn your song into a complete record

private lessons

Private songwriting lessons in Los Angeles are the best option if you’re a serious songwriters looking to improve your skills through 1 on 1 instruction. I personalize every lesson based on my assessment of your strengths and weaknesses, and use a combination of exercises and song projects to help you reach your goals. As a student, you’ll be given assignments to work on in between lessons to hone individual skills and practice the process of songwriting.


  • “Sierra is extremely knowledgeable and insightful. She knew just the right info and exercises that I needed to get past where I was stuck. Her methods and tips were new to me and have helped me immensely. I highly recommend Sierra as a teacher.”


  • “if you are looking to make songwriting a passion, a daily challenge of exploration and creation, sign up for Sierra’s classes today! 100% recommended!”


  • “Perfect! Sierra is a real professional. She is very organized and helpful - a good listener. I was very pleased with our first session.”


  • Sierra is an incredible teacher. What sets her apart is not just how knowledgeable she is...but also that she sees the potential in every student... She gives homework that is guaranteed to make you better because it is customized for your skillset. I highly recommend Sierra!


songwriting group classes

group classes

  • The group songwriting class meets Sundays at 1:00pm Pacific Standard Time. All classes are held over Zoom.

    Other dates and times will be considered if demand is high.

  • Each group songwriting class costs $35 per participant. You are encouraged to sign up for a minimum of 8 weeks to get the most out of the group experience.

  • The group songwriting class must have a minimum of 2 students to run and is capped at 15 students. Other policies apply.

A group class is the best option if you’re a beginner songwriter just starting out on your songwriting journey. Group classes cover all the topics of private lessons with less individualized attention. As a student you’re given the opportunity to learn from your fellow songwriters in the class with a focus on song sharing and feedback. A group class is also an excellent option for those who wish to remain mindful of money.

Los Angeles Songwriting Lessons

book your free intro lesson

I offer all prospective students a free 20 minute songwriting lesson with me in LA, so we can get to know each other, go over logistics, and hear about your goals. You’ll be able to ask any questions you have and see if the lessons are for you!